Work From Home Survey 2020 Report
Remote working is not a new concept. Like many organizations, we, at Culture Opus, had championed the coveted art of working from home since our initial days. However, the scale at which ‘working from home’ has been advocated and accepted across the world is unprecedented. It is a cultural shift that overwhelmed people, organizations, families and homes. The boundaries between offices and homes have suddenly merged like two sacred streams, and roared like a sea of mixed emotions. Some people are feeling trapped, while others are experiencing a sense of freedom. It truly is a new normal in every sense.
This quantitative research was aimed to capture this very shift - a seismograph that reads details of the shaken lives. The survey was conducted online using a convenient sampling method. The data collected was analyzed and now we are happy to release a report that highlights the key findings and opportunities for categories based on our interpretation. We are kicked about this project and hoping to dive deeper into some of the areas highlighted in near future.
Enjoy reading the report and feel free to share the same with those who you think can benefit from this. Please do give a credit to Culture Opus, because who doesn’t like to be credited where it’s due. :) Do follow us on LinkedIn.
Contact us on '[email protected]' for any further details.